Find, Save, and Enjoy Entertainment with Friends

Smart Recommendations, Powered by Friends: CliqRex uses patent pending AI to understand your tastes, but it doesn't stop there. Friends You Trust: Get personalized picks based on what your closest friends love (and what they know you'll enjoy too!).

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The CliqRex app takes the guesswork out of finding entertainment.

Where entertainment meets your inner circle. A social network for recommendations

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From Frustration to Innovation

Tired of endless scrolling and lukewarm recommendations? CliqRex throws out the robotic algorithms and brings back the human touch! This is the app where you discover your next binge-worthy obsession, recommended by the people who know you best - your friends!
Build your Cliq, unleash the Rex! CliqRex connects you with your inner circle to share and receive genuine recommendations for TV shows, movies, podcasts, books, and even YouTube channels. No more wading through a sea of "meh," just pure entertainment gold picked by the people whose taste you trust.

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sleeping after looking for a show

Fumbling through show and movie recs saved in their Notes app, Dara and James wondered which friends’ suggestions they would like the most. Wouldn’t it be helpful if there was an app that stored and sorted recs from their friends and showed whose tastes were similar to their own? From that, their baby “dino” was born, and it has grown mighty.

Invest in CliqRex

CliqRex is an AI-powered entertainment discovery platform that blends friend recommendations with machine learning. Users can effortlessly find, save, and share diverse media. With a user-friendly interface and scalable technology, we target a share of the $288.9B digital entertainment market.
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