
tmdb 6.5/10
Lyon Gaultier is a deserter in the Foreign Legion arriving in the USA entirely hard up. He finds his brother between life and death and his sister-in-law without the money needed to heal her husband and to maintain her child. To earn the money needed, Gaultier decides to take part in some very dangerous clandestine fights.

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Both films tell the story of an unlikely underdog striving to overcome the odds and fight for what is right. Lionheart is set in medieval England, while Invictus takes place in South Africa in the late 1990s. Both feature strong performances from the leads and inspiring messages of hope and resilience.

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Like Lionheart, Braveheart is a classic historical drama about an underdog hero standing up for his beliefs against powerful forces. Both films feature a rousing soundtrack, sweeping cinematography, and plenty of action and emotion.

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Both Lionheart and Gladiator feature Russell Crowe in the lead role as a heroic warrior determined to save his people from a tyrannical ruler. The stories are set in different historical periods, but they share a common theme of courage and determination in the face of adversity.

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Robin Hood

Lionheart and Robin Hood are both classic tales of an unlikely hero who stands up for what is right and fights against injustice. Both films feature exciting action sequences and memorable characters that bring the story to life.

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The King's Speech

Both Lionheart and The King's Speech tell the story of a reluctant hero who rises to the occasion to save his people. Lionheart follows King Richard the Lionheart's struggle to defend England, while The King's Speech follows King George VI's struggle to overcome his speech impediment and lead Britain during World War II.

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The Imitation Game

Like Lionheart, The Imitation Game is a historical drama about a reluctant hero who rises to the challenge and uses his unique talents to save his people. Both films feature strong performances from the leads and inspirational messages of hope and resilience.

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The Patriot

The Patriot is another classic historical drama about a hero who stands up for his beliefs against powerful forces. Both films feature plenty of action and emotion and tell inspiring stories of courage and determination in the face of adversity.

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The Last Samurai

The Last Samurai is a historical epic about a hero who is determined to protect his people from a powerful enemy. Like Lionheart, the film features sweeping cinematography and an inspiring message of courage and determination.

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King Arthur

Both Lionheart and King Arthur tell the story of a reluctant hero who rises to the challenge to save his people. Both films feature plenty of action and emotion and tell inspiring stories of courage and determination in the face of adversity.

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The Adventures of Robin Hood

The Adventures of Robin Hood is a classic tale of an unlikely hero who stands up for what is right and fights against injustice. Both Lionheart and Robin Hood feature exciting action sequences and memorable characters that bring the story to life.

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