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Statues & Smiles: A Bratislava Misadventure

<b>Fluent Fiction - Slovak</b>: Statues & Smiles: A Bratislava Misadventure<br /> Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:<br />fluentfiction.org/statues-smiles-a-bratislava-misadventure<br /><br /> Story Transcript:<br /><br />Sk: Na úplnom začiatku bola tma.<br />En: At the very beginning, there was darkness.<br /><br />Sk: No potom sa nad Bratislavou rozjasnilo a traja priatelia - Jozef, Marta a Eva - sa rozhodli, že si užijú slnečné popoludnie na kávičke v Starom Meste.<br />En: But then, above Bratislava, the sky cleared, and three friends - Jozef, Marta, and Eva - decided to enjoy...
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