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回顧星期天LBS - 高爾夫相關時事趣聞 2023 All about Golf

<p>打詐新四法已上路,嚴懲詐欺犯罪!騙越多關越久,最多關 12年,最重罰3億元,並提高假釋門檻, <br />犯三次不得假釋,千萬不要以身試法。全民同心,杜絕詐欺,有疑慮就打165,讓政府來幫你! <br /> <br />https://www.ey.gov.tw/Page/5B2FC62D288F4DB7/73dfd426-2c22-4218-b534-72586d9d570f <br /> <br />以上廣告由行政院提供 <br /> <br />------------------------------- <br />通勤學英語VIP加值內容與線上課程 <br />------------------------------- <br />通勤學英語VIP訂閱方案:https://open.firstory.me/join/15minstoday <br />VIP訂閱FAQ: https://15minsengcafe.pse.is/5cjptb <br /> <br />社會人核心英語有聲書課程連結:https://15minsengcafe.pse.is/554esm <br /> <br />------------------------------- <br />15Mins.Today 相關連結 <br />------------------------------- <br />歡迎留言你對這集的想法: 留言連結 <br /> <br />官方網站:www.15mins.today <br />Clubhouse直播室:https://15minsengcafe.pse.is/46hm8k <br />訂閱YouTube頻道:https://15minsengcafe.pse.is/3rhuuy <br /> <br />商業合作/贊助來信:15minstoday@gmail.com <br />意見回覆 : ask15mins@gmail.com <br /> <br />------------------------------- <br />以下是此單集逐字稿 (播放器有不同字數限制,完整文稿可到官網) <br />------------------------------- <br /> <br />Topic: Sellout Culture Is a Problem for Pro Golf <br /> <br />Even if you don’t play or follow golf — which I don’t — you’re probably aware of the controversy now engulfing the game. A number of the world’s top-ranked pro players, notably Phil Mickelson, made extremely lucrative deals to play in a new tour, the LIV Golf International Series, sponsored by Saudi Arabia...
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