007 = Big Thing Fans and Retirement Plans
<p>- What is the biggest big thing?<br /> - Is the lottery a good retirement plan?<br /> - Update on the £5,000 t-shirt.<br /> - The taster data has popped.</p> <p>Support us on Patreon!<br /> https://www.patreon.com/aproblemsquared</p> <p>Review us on apple podcasts:<br /> https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/a-problem-squared/id1490290676</p> <p>Twitter: https://twitter.com/aproblemsquared<br /> Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/aproblemsquared/</p> <p>This is the bear with very long legs. Very long. Legs.<br /> https://www.buzzfeed.com/bradesposito/people-are-losing-it-over-this-giant-teddy-bear-that-just</p> <p>Tallest Filing Cabinet on Earth<br /> h...
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