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Talking Drupal #116 - Deploying Drupal

<p>In episode #116 we discuss automating the deployment process with Rob Aubin.</p> <p>TOPICS:</p> Deployment process Dev - Staging - Traing - Production Using GIT Strategy for deployment Why automation Automation risks Jenkins and other tools <p>RESOURCES:</p> <p><br />http://deploybot.com<br />https://jenkins-ci.org/<br />https://www.tunnelbear.com<br />https://events.drupal.org/losangeles2015/sessions/how-jenkins-can-work-w...</p> <p><br />MODULE OF THE WEEK:</p> <p><br />Smart IP<br />www.drupal.org/project/smart_ip<br />Smart IP identify visitor's geographical location (longitude/latitude), country, region, city and postal code based on the...
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