
Gravy shares stories of the changing American South through the foods we eat. Gravy showcases a South that is constantly evolving, accommodating new immigrants, adopting new traditions, and lovingly maintaining old ones. It uses food as a means to explore all of that, to dig into lesser-known corners of the region, complicate stereotypes, document new dynamics, and give voice to the unsung folk who grow, cook, and serve our daily meals.
Arts Food Society Culture 
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Let's put aside the negative stereotypes for a bit and focus on the beautiful things in the American South. "Gravy" is one of them. From topics as seemingly simple as bread (5 whole episodes on the topic!) to the always contentious BBQ, I am learning about the "diverse food cultures of the changing American South". How did we get here, where are we going, and what will we eat along the way. I crave the diverse food that showcases how we are more alike than not, am intrigued by the fusion of global cuisine with standard fare, and want to get in the car to listen, learn, and devour my way through the entire region. Episode 33, "Dinner at the Patel Motel", still occupies space in my brain and I hope one day to encounter such a place. And is there a better name for a podcast about Southern food than Gravy?!

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